KnightFest Showcases All Things Medieval
Author: News Bureau
Posted: Tuesday, October 4, 2016 9:12 PM
Macon, GA

Faculty will lead lectures, host film showings and hold book discussions on a variety of topics ranging from Orcs in the work of Tolkien to historical precedents for the Red Wedding in "Game of Thrones." The Society for Creative Anachronism will provide live demonstrations of craftsmanship, skills and combat from the Middle Ages.
For more information, contact Dana Casper, MGA reference and instruction librarian, at Campus maps and directions are at /about/maps.php.
Here is the complete list of events:
Cochran Campus --
4 p.m. Monday Oct. 17, Dr. Sharon Mozley-Standridge will discuss Fungi in the Middle Ages on the Cochran Campus in Dillard Auditorium 130.
3 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 18, Librarian Ann Williams will screen and discuss the film “Monty Python and The Holy Grail” on the Cochran Campus in the Roberts Library’s 2nd floor Media Room.
3:15 p.m. Wednesday Oct. 19, Dr. Kathleen Burt will present a lecture titled "Getting Schooled in Medieval Fantasy," which will discuss the portrayal of the education system in Patrick Rothfuss’ “The Name of the Wind." This will take place on the Cochran Campus in Walker 306.
4 p.m. Wednesday Oct. 19, Dr. Karmen Lenz will present a lecture titled “Orcs & Orcneas: Tolkien’s adaptations of the undead and other monsters in Anglo Saxon Culture" on the Cochran Campus in Walker 307.
2:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20, Dr. Andrew Reeves will present a lecture discussing the historical basis for the Red Wedding in the “A Song of Ice and Fire Series” titled “It’s a Nice Day for a Red Wedding,” Cochran Campus in Walker 306.
3:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20, Dr. Andrew Reeves & Dr. Chip Rogers will discuss Umberto Eco’s novel “Name of the Rose” on the Cochran Campus in Walker 306.
5 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20, Dr. Peter Gareis and Librarian Ben Mullis, along with local medieval reenactors, will demonstrate medieval skills and combat on the quad of the Cochran
Campus, between Walker Hall and the Wiggs building.
Macon Campus --
4 p.m. Monday, Oct. 17, Dr. Karmen Lenz will discuss “Orcs & Orcneas: Tolkien’s adaptations of the undead and other monsters in Anglo Saxon Culture," Macon Campus Library in Lab 2.
2:30 pm, Tuesday, Oct. 18, Dr. Andrew Reeves will present a lecture titled “It’s a Nice Day for a Red Wedding: A song of Ice and Fire and Historical precedents,” Macon Campus Library in Lab 2.
4 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 18, Dr. Chip Rogers and Dr. Andrew Reeves will discuss “Monks, Murder and Mayhem: The portrayal of the Clergy in Umberto Eco’s The Name of the Rose” in Lab 2 of the Macon Campus Library.
3 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 19, Librarian Robin Grant will facilitate a discussion and present a screening of the film adaptation of “The Name of the Rose” starring Sean Connery in Lab 2 of the
Macon Campus Library.
4 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 20, Middle Georgia’s chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism will set up a pavilion in the green space between the Macon Campus Library and the Teacher Education Building. Members dressed in clothing of the Middle Ages and Renaissance will answer questions and demonstrate craftsmanship, skills and combat from the Middle Ages.