Learning Support

The Learning Support program provides students with additional preparation in mathematics
and/or English. This program is designed to increase a student’s success during their college education.


Students who do not meet Learning Support exemption criteria as listed in are placed in the Learning Support program. They are required to take mathematics and/or English Learning Support courses. Exemption criteria include High School GPA, ACT, SAT or Accuplacer scores. Learning Support students have the option of taking the Accuplacer placement exam which will exempt them from the Learning Support program if they achieve the minimum exemption score.

Students who are exempted from the Learning Support program may elect to enroll in Learning Support courses for institutional credit or on an audit basis.

Students transferring into a USG institution will be exempt from Learning Support English requirements if they have completed a transferrable Area A English course and will be exempt from Learning Support Mathematics requirements if they have completed a transferrable Area A mathematics course. Otherwise, they will be evaluated for Learning Support/collegiate placement according to the same criteria as other entering students.


Middle Georgia State offers the following Learning Support mathematics and/or English courses:

  • Math 0996 – Support for Elementary Statistics
  • Math 0997 – Support for Quantitative Reasoning
  • Math 0998 – Support for Mathematical Modeling
  • Math 0999 – Support for College Algebra
  • Engl 0999 – Support for English Composition


Students in Learning Support have an LS Advising Hold which will not allow them to self-register until they complete their Learning Support course requirements. They must see an advisor in the School of their major to be registered for their courses.