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Telework / Flexible Schedule

Telework - Telework options should be allowed for employees who can conduct their job duties remotely without interruption.

  • Supervisors have increased flexibility to approve telework and flexible schedules in order to comply with the Governor’s directive to reduce the number of employees on-site at any given time. Authorized managers can waive the requirement to complete the usual telework agreement and may use email to confirm approval to telework.

Flexible Schedule – Supervisors should implement schedules that will reduce the number of employees to the minimal level required on-site at any given time to sustain service, safety, and compliance.

  • USG Policy Reference:
  • Shift times for employees who will need to be on campus should be amended to limit the individuals on-site in a particular location at any given time. Alternative schedules may include adjusting start and end times, workdays, or location.