Refund FAQs
Can I use financial aid at the bookstore?
Yes, if financial aid is authorized on your student account, any funds remaining after Tuition and Fees have been deducted can be used in the bookstore for purchases up to $1,500 with your student ID. This is available beginning the first day of late registration thru the third week of class. Dates will be posted in the Bookstore.
Has a refund been sent to me?
- You can review the status of any Refunds on SWORDS.
- Select "Student" tab then "Account Summary or Account by Term".
- Refunds are labeled with the following codes: FARB, RFND or RFBK. If your account shows a negative (credit) balance, this means your refund has not yet been processed by the Bursar's Office.
How do I get a refund for a portion of my classes if I withdraw?
This will only occur if you fully withdraw from all courses and the College for a semester. To avoid being charged for a course, a complete drop during the drop/add period is required. The longer you stay in the course you may or may not have a pro-rated amount due dependent upon when you withdrew and the form of payment. For more information regarding pro-rated amounts and if you owe a balance please contact the bursar at 478.471.2705.
If I don't pay for my classes, will my classes be cancelled?
Because a student's classes are automatically secured when sufficient financial aid funds to cover Tuition and Fees have been awarded, it is possible that your classes have been paid. It is your responsibility to monitor the status of payment through SWORDS (under the student tab, student account and account detail for term) or to withdraw from classes if you do not plan to attend.
When are Refunds processed?
Refunds are processed and uploaded every Friday. 51³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏÍø delivers your refund with BankMobile Deisbursements, a technology solution, powered by BMTX, Inc. to students based on their selected refund preference. For more information visit this link: .
When will I get my financial aid refund?
At the start of the semester or part-of-term session, disbursement of financial aid funds to student accounts will occur after the drop/add period has ended and no-show reporting has been finalized. Per federal regulations, refunds of remaining credit balances are released no later than 14 calendar days after posting of financial aid disbursements to student accounts. Following this period, refunds are processed weekly.