Registrar FAQs
Academic Renewal
In accordance with the USG Board of Regency Policy 3.5.3 Academic Renewal, undergraduate students who are either returning to a USG institution or are transferring to a USG institution may be eligible for Academic Renewal. Academic Renewal for the student signals the initiation of a new grade point average to be used for determining academic standing. This provision allows USG degree-seeking students who earlier experienced academic difficulty (GPA less than 2.50) to make a freshstart and have one final opportunity to earn a first degree. Students who have earned a degree: Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, etc. are not eligible for Academic Renewal. A student must be absent 3 years ( not term driven ) from an institutionally accredited institution. Students must apply for Academic Renewal in the Office of the Registrar or go to the Registrar's Office web site and download the form at /registrar/documents.php. For more information, please call 478.471.2900. Academic is granted only one time.
Can I repeat a course and transfer it back to MGA to improve my GPA?
MGA's Repeated Course Policy applies to all repeated courses; including transferred courses within an institution. The policy does not apply across institutions. A transfer student who repeats a course will have the Transfer Grade Point Average calculated using the highest grade earned. Your transfer GPA may possibly be improved.
How do I access BannerWeb/SWORDS to view my transfer evaluation?
There are three methods of logging into SWORDS: 1. Enter your email username (ex:trey.davis) and your email password (this method is only available for former MSC students) 2. Enter either your Macon State ID number (it'll begin with 926) or your Middle Georgia College ID number (it'll begin with 927) as the username along with your 6 digit Banner PIN as the password. 3. Enter your 51³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏÍø ID (begins with 983) as the username along with your 6-digit Banner PIN# as the password. When finished, click Login. Review menu options, choose view your record.
How do I change my name
The Notice to Change Student Records form found here:
/registrar/documents.php is available on the Office of the Registrar and the Admissions Office web page. Students must provide legal documentation with a change of name. Legal documents accepted are Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decree, Drivers License, Social Security Card, Court Documents, or other legal documents approved by MGA.
How do I get transient permission?
Students seeking transient status will need to complete a Request for Transient Permission form which is located here:
/registrar/docs/Transient_Permission_Request.pdf. Students seeking transient status will need approval from the appropriate Advisor, Chair/Dean. Once completed and signed, the form can be emailed to
for final processing. The transient permission form is good for one semester only. Additional semesters will require the student to complete another Transient Permission Form.
How do I withdraw from an eCore class or classes?
51³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏÍø eCore students desiring to withdraw from one or more eCore classes after the drop/add period and before the midpoint of the term may do so by withdrawing through SWORDS. After doing so, the student will be assigned a grade of "W" for those course(s). While a grade of "W" does not count in the student's cumulative grade point average, it does count in attempted hours for financial aid purposes and could affect a student's eligibility for aid if there are repeated withdrawals. Students who withdraw after the deadline will receive a grade of "WF" for the course. Instructions on how to withdraw can be found here:
/registrar/registration/drop-add.php .
Please be aware that eCore classes adhere to a different academic calendar. Specific dates to be aware of can be found by visiting
If you encounter any difficulties in withdrawing because of a special situation, you may e-mail the Office of the Registrar at
for assistance.
How soon can I register after taking eCore quiz?
After successful quiz submission, it takes 24 hours or more to update your academic records. The 24 hour period excludes weekends and holidays. After your academic records are updated, you should be able register for eCore classes using your Banner Web access.
I cannot access BannerWeb/SWORDS.
Students who cannot access Banner/SWORDS probably have disabled their access after three incorrect tries. Student will need to have their pin reset via tech support Macon 478.471.2023 and Cochran 478.934.3319.
Once I have applied for VA benefits, will someone contact me from MGA?
The VA will contact you via the United States Postal Services (USPS) to inform of eligibility. It is the student's responsibility each semester to contact the certifying officials at MGA to ensure that enrollment is certified for the term as early as possible to decrease delays in payment processing. Students may contact officials via email at .
What are the VA rules for withdrawing/dropping a course, termination, and academic dismissal?
For VA rule purposes, the drop date cannot be more than (30) thirty days from the beginning or start date of the semester or term to prevent overpayment, except for the following accelerated mini terms: summer Mini Term, Fall Mini Term and Spring Mini Term. Call the MGA Certification Office for exact drop dates: Macon Campus 478.757.2681 or Cochran Campus 478.934.6406.
What directory information can be released?
The student's name, mailing (USPS) address, telephone number, date of birth, major field of study, degree sought, expected date of completion of degree requirements and graduation, degrees and awards received, dates of attendance, full or part time enrollment status, the previous educational agency or institution attended, and participation in officially recognized activities and other similar information.
What is eCore?
eCore -- short for electronic core-curriculum -- allows students the opportunity to complete their first two years of their collegiate careers in an online environment. eCore courses are taught entirely online, except for the occasional proctored exam. eCore courses are designed, developed, taught, and supported by faculty and staff from the University System of Georgia (USG). General information about eCore, Georgia's College Core-Curriculum Online, can be found at or
When can a TAP student register?
TAP participants enrolled at MGA must register for classes during the designated employee TAP registration period as posted on the Academic Calendar. Generally, this period begins with the first day of late registration. Late fees incurred during this late registration period are waived.
Which catalog year should I use?
Choice of Catalog: Students must (1) meet graduation requirements using the catalog in effect at the time the student entered Middle Georgia State, provided the catalog is not more than five years old as of the semester the student plans to graduate, OR (2) meet graduation requirements using the catalog in effect during the semester the student plans to graduate. Students must have attended at least one term under chosen catalog.
How do I know if I made the Dean's List?
A student who earns a semester grade point average of 3.50 or above on an academic load of at least twelve semester hours will be placed on the Dean's List for the following semester provided the student has a cumulative institutional academic grade point average of 2.50 or higher and no outstanding "I" grades for the semester. Students must have satisfied all Learning Support requirements to be eligible for the Dean’s List. Courses numbered below 1000 do not apply toward credit hours or grades required.
How do I know if I made the President's List?
A student who earns a semester grade point average of 3.80 or above on an academic load of at least twelve semester hours will be placed on the President's List for the following semester provided the student has a cumulative institutional academic grade point average of 3.00 or higher and no outstanding "I" grades for the semester. Students must have satisfied all Learning Support requirements to be eligible for the President’s List. Courses numbered below 1000 do not apply toward credit hours or grades required.
I need a letter of good standing for my car insurance.
Students can obtain a free official Enrollment Verification Certificate from the National Clearinghouse through their SWORDS account at
/technology/services/banner.php. The Enrollment Verification Certificate can be presented to health insurance agencies, consumer product companies, banks, etc., when asked to provide official evidence of enrollment at Middle Georgia State. If you experience any problems with this service, please be sure to email the Office of the Registrar at
How do I calculate my GPA?
The GPA is calculated by dividing the total number of academic credit hour quality points a student has earned by the total number of grade point average hours (GPA hours) the student has attempted.
Can I fax or email my grade change form?
The grade change form must be signed off by the school's dean and sent through interoffice mail or delivered in person by faculty to the Registrar's office. Grade change forms will not be accepted if delivered by the student. Forms may be emailed to also.
Do I tell the student by email or verbally their midterm grade?
Instructor responsibility is to inform students that their grades will be posted in SWORDS and the student can immediately view midterm grades after you complete the posting and submit. However, with the final grades there's a delay until after the Registrar officially runs end of term processes to roll the grades to academic history.
Grade Change
There is a grade change form that the instructor must complete and have signed by the School's Chair or Dean. The Chair or Dean forwards the form to the Office of the Registrar for processing. At no time should a student touch the form. Form is located on web site here:
/registrar/docs/Change_of_Grade_Form.pdf and can be emailed to
How do I appeal a grade?
Students wishing to appeal a final grade in a course must first discuss the grade appeal with the instructor within 10 working days of assigned final grade posting. Once the appeal process is initiated, the burden of proof is on the student. If the student still wishes to appeal, the student may then complete a Final Grade Appeal Form with copies of materials relevant to the appeal to the instructor. After the instructor has had a chance to review the appeal (within 10 working days), the instructor and the student should meet to discuss it. If the appeal is not resolved at this level, the next level is the department head, if not resolved at this level the form and relevant materials must be forwarded to the Dean, allowing 10 days for processing. If student wishes to appeal the Dean's decision, they may appeal to the Vice President for Academic Affairs submitting same documentation that was submitted to the Dean, within 10 working days of the Dean's decision. The decision by the Vice President for Academic Affairs is binding.
What does a faculty member do to assign a grade of an "I"?
The instructor will simply enter a grade "I" when submitting final grades and the student will have until the last day to drop class or withdraw with a "W" from the University during the next semester of enrollment or by the end of one calendar year if not enrolled, whichever comes first.
What is an incomplete?
An "I" stands for an Incomplete and indicates that the student for non-academic reasons was unable to complete the requirements for a course. The instructor of the course and the student are to arrange for the course's completion before the midterm of the next semester the student is enrolled or by the end of one calendar year if the student is not enrolled. If the "I" is not removed in the defined time period, a grade of "F" is assigned to the course.
The student is not on my roster. (faculty)
A student who is not on the roster may have: 1) not registered properly or 2) had registration canceled for nonpayment. The student should be sent to the Office of the Registrar located the Student Life Center or advised to contact the Office of the Registrar at .
How do I find my academic standing and class?
Students can find this information on SWORDS.
- Step 1: Students log in to SWORDS using their MGA ID and Pin Number
- Step 2: Select 'Student and Financial Aid' from the Main menu.
- Step 3: View Student Information.
- Step 4: Select Click on submit
I am on academic suspension?
A student who fails to maintain the required 2.0 cumulative institutional GPA after having been placed on Academic probation, and does not achieve an institutional term GPA of 2.0 or higher for the semester are suspended from the University.
First suspension is for one semester, including summer, subsequent suspension is for one year. Students will receive notification through MGA email, SWORDS account and a letter from the Office of the Registrar. Students may not petition academic suspensions. Once you have been out for a year, you must apply for readmission to the University with the Admission Office.
I was accepted on probation - how does this affect my MGA GPA?
Transfer students admitted on academic probation must complete the first semester hours at MGA with at least a 2.0 grade point average before probationary status is removed. Failure to maintain a 2.0 average while on academic probation will result in academic suspension from the University.