Contact an ITEC advisor today:
Advisor: Haley Jennings, Phone: 478.471.2785
Advisor : Tricia Purser , Phone: 478.471.2960
Advisor: Colby Long, Phone: 478.934.3357
Note: In the event of a discrepancy between the 51³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏÍø Catalog and any departmental materials (including Advising Worksheets), the Middle Georgia State Catalog prevails.
Advising Worksheets:
Credit for IT Industry Certifications
Credit for Prior Learning Experience (PLA)
All students must meet with their advisor at least once every year to assist with course selection and academic planning. Many academic programs require specific sequencing in order to reach degree completion in a timely manner. Also, students frequently benefit from guidance in exploring potential majors and coordinating career goals with education opportunities or study abroad programs.
This web page will serve as a type of portal to make it easy for students to access the resources needed during Advising and Registration. Provided to the right are important links to assist students with the processes.
NOTE: Some concentration courses are offered less frequently than core courses. Be sure that you are planning your program of study using the ITEC Master Course Schedule plan.
Advisees are expected to...
- Respect the advisor.
- Make, keep, and be on time for appointments.
- Read and apply the information in the Academic Catalog.
- Be prepared for appointments.
- Be familiar with the program of study/degree requirements/curriculum (learn about prerequisites, etc.)
Advisors are expected to...
- Comply with requirements of the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act and other university regulations.
- Understand 51³Ô¹ÏºÚÁÏÍø program/degree requirements and effectively communicate them.
- Assist advisee in making course selections and long-term plans.
- Be a point source for resources and referrals.
- Be available throughout the academic year, including prior to and during early registration.
Tips for Advisors
Meeting IT Advisee's Needs
- Advisor as humanizing agent
- informal interaction outside of classroom
- facilitates/introduces student to professors and tutors
- Advisor as mentor
- guides student through academic policies and procedures
- refers student to appropriate resources as needed
- provides career/internship guidance
- Advisor as educator
- monitor academic progress
- assist in selecting, changing, adding/dropping classes
- suggests complementary coursework to supplement degree
Faculty Advising Guidelines
- Ask the student if they are new or current/returning
- If the student is new, make sure to go over the degree requirements for the BSIT; if they do not have a concentration, give them a brief overview of the program and different concentrations.
- If the student is current/returning, make sure to remind them of degree requirements as well as go over their academic progress and note areas where courses are still needed.
- Recommend courses for registration based on remaining core and upper level requirements
- Make sure to audit the student’s progress in Degree Works (MyDegree)
- Identify any areas of concern if necessary
- Please keep in mind that some IT upper level courses are only available during certain semesters (check the ITEC Course Schedule online for reference)
- Please make sure to double check the fallthrough section to see if the student has any classes that can be used towards the degree; make petitions if necessary
- Make sure the student knows how to log into SWORDS to register for their classes.
- If needed, demonstrate how to log into SWORDS and access the registration section
- Check the student’s account for holds
- If the student has holds on their account, please direct them to the appropriate department to have them removed
- If the student has an Academic Standing Hold on their account, Brooke or Tricia will need to override the hold and register the student
- If the student has a Learning Support hold, please refer them to Brooke or Tricia for advising
- Let the student know about any upcoming deadlines, such as for Financial Aid and payment.
- Make sure the student is also familiar with the Academic Calendar
Common Student Issues and Steps to Resolve Them
- Late registration
- Students should contact their advisors early during advising period so they can get a list/ idea of what classes to take. Then when registration opens up they can register themselves quickly and courses won’t be filled. If they have a hold, they can just call with the picked out CRN numbers and we can register them in a matter of minutes.
- Don’t understand MyDegree
- The student should contact their advisor to go through it with them at an appointment.
- Don’t know how to apply for graduation or requirements
- Double check with advisor and MyDegree for degree requirements. Make sure student applies by the deadline for the semester the student is wanting to graduate. The student applies through SWORDS > Student Tab > Student Records Tab > Apply to Graduate Tab
- Also, students should be advised that there is a graduation fee the student needs to pay.
- Getting dropped (Noshows/ payment)
- No Show: For in-person classes, be sure to show up for class to avoid being marked as a no-show. For online classes, be sure to log in and complete all assignments designated by the instructor for attendance verification. Logging into the course without completing the necessary assignmnets is not sufficient to prevent being reported as a no-show.
- Nonpayment: Fill out financial aid early. Make sure all requirements have been met. Keep payment deadline on your calendar.If dropped for nonpayment, please contact the Bursar’s Office at
- How to withdraw from a class
- Before or during Drop/Add period: See academic advisor if you have holds. If you do not have holds, you can use SWORDS > Student Tab > Registration Tab > Add or Drop Classes Tab
- After Drop/Add Period: Use an add/drop form. Fill out the form and bring to your advisor to sign and then take to the Registrar’s office
- After a student has withdrawn from 5 classes, future withdraws students will get a grade of WF for every class they withdraw.
- No connections to other students or faculty
- Reach out if you have questions or ideas. Be a good group member and also stay connected after the group assignment ends. Join clubs or organizations that have to do with your interests. The Department of Information Technology has 5 clubs a student can join where you can interact with other students.
- Classes in concentration that are not taught every semester
- Advisor should identify any class in concentration that is not taught every semester and encourage the student to take the class when it is offered if the student meets the prerequisites for the class.
- Student’s GPA drops below 2.0
- Students should be advised that they need to obtain a GPA of 2.0 every term they register to prevent being placed on suspension.
- Student meets prerequisite for class, but can’t register for the class
- Student should contact either their advisor or the Registrar’s Office so action of the class so action can be taken to enroll student in the class.