The Bachelor of Science in Applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) program is designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to thrive in an era where AI technology is transforming industries and societies globally. As AI continues to revolutionize various sectors, including healthcare, finance, education, and cybersecurity, and much more - there is a growing demand for professionals with a comprehensive understanding of AI principles and their interdisciplinary applications.
BS in Applied AI
Core IMPACTS (Credit: 42 hours)
It is recommended that students pursuing a degree in applied artificial intelligence follow these recommendations for optimal progression of degree completion. Failure to follow these recommendations will result in having to take additional coursework outside of Core IMPACTS requirements to meet the requirements for the major.
Mathematics & Quantitative Skills:
Any permitted course may be used to satisfy the Mathematics & Quantitative Skills Core IMPACTS requirement. It is suggested that students pursuing a degree in applied AI complete MATH 1111 (Algebra) in this area. Not completing the recommended course may require additional credit hour accrual.
Technology, Math, & Science Option:
Any permitted course may be used to satisfy the Technology, Math, & Science Option Core IMPACTS requirement.
Arts, Humanities, & Ethics:
Any permitted course may be used to satisfy the Technology, Math, & Science Option Core IMPACTS requirement. It is suggested that students pursuing a degree in applied AI complete COMM 1110 (Public Speaking) in this area. This is a preferred course and will have no bearing on the completion of the degree.
Field of Study (18 hours)
PSYC 1101* Introduction to Psychology
CSCI 1301** Computer Science I
CSCI 1302 Computer Science II
MATH 1401*** Elementary Statistics
CSCI 2207 Ethics in Computer Science
ITEC 2215 Introduction to Information Technology
*If PSYC 1101 was satisfied in the Core IMPACTS, students must complete an additional 3 credit hour elective from the Social Sciences area of the Core IMPACTS.
**If CSCI 1301 was satisfied in the Core IMPACTS, students must complete an additional 3 credit hour elective from the Technology, Math, & Science Option area of the Core IMPACTS.
***If MATH 1401 was satisfied in the Core IMPACTS, students must complete an additional 3 credit hour elective from the Mathematics & Quantitative Skills area of the Core IMPACTS.
APPLIED AI Core Courses (30 hours)
CSCI 3400 Introduction to AI
CSCI 3235 Human Computer Interaction
CSCI 3410 AI and Cybersecurity
CSCI 4461 AI Implications and Applications
CSCI 4462 Digital Transformation and AI
CSCI 4454 Human-Robot Interaction
CSCI 4452 HCI Methods, Design and Evaluation
ITEC 3300 Project Management
PSYC 3601 Cognitive Psychology
CSCI 4750 Senior Capstone
FOcus areas (12 hours)
Focus Area I: Data Science
PSYC 3001 Statistics for Behavioral Sciences
MATH 3440 Data Exploration and Visualization
ITEC 3351 Analytics and Organizational Intelligence
ITEC 3355 Data Mining
Focus Area II: Advanced AI
CSCI 4250 Computational Intelligence (AI)
CSCI 4463 Machine Learning
CSCI 4464 Deep Learning
CSCI 4465 Natural Language Processing
Focus Area III: Project Leadership
MGMT 3141 Principles of Management
MGMT 3155 Organizational Behavior
MGMT 4110 Leadership
PSYC 3611 Risk and Decision Making
Electives (18 hours)
Any cataloged approved minor, AI degree focus area, combination of focus area courses, or up to 18 credit hours in approved upper-level CSCI, DATA, FTA, ITEC, or MATH courses, or PLA credits.
program total credit hours (120 hours)